Invivo MRI Patient Vital Signs System – Invivo Precess BLUE
Includes a WPU base unit and a DCU wireless remote monitor with printer. This system provides the operator with ECG, Respiration, SpO2, NIBP, EtCO2 monitoring. Full control of the patient monitoring (and alarms) is provided via the wireless remote Display Controller (DCU). Fully reconditioned, calibrated and (CBET) biomed tested. The Precess Blue has an appearance, similar to the 3160 Precess, but the base unit and the modules are modular/programmable like the Expression.
The DCU must remain behind the 1000 Gauss Line (10-12 feet with 1.5T MRI), unless the printer is removed. WPU base behind the 5000 Gauss Line (2-3 feet with 1.5T MRI). The Precess Blue works with up to 3.0 Tesla MRI’s.
Included with the system:
– WPU base Precess Blue
– Display Controller (DCU) wireless color Display Monitor with integrated dual channel recorder (recorder can be removed, if unit is going into the MRI room)
– ECG wireless 2.4 GHz ECG module
– ECG lead cable + Standard Quadtrode electrodes (10 each starter kit)
– SpO2 Wireless 2.4 GHz Pulse Oximeter (SpO2) module
– SpO2 Grip Sensor fiber optic cable and SpO2 Grip Starter Kit
– Non-Invasive Blood Pressure with dual hose + Adult, Infant and Ped Cuffs
Adult/Neo NIBP sets
– EtCO2 Standard-Flow water trap and sample line – Clear
– Reconditioned includes batteries – DCU and Base
– Wireless Modules Battery Charger (for ECG and SpO2 wireless modules)
– Batteries for wireless modules (4x)
– Power supplies for WPU and DCU with cables
– Quick Start reference guide
– Operating Manual on CD
Note: systems that come with one DCU monitor cost: $24,500. For versatility, the second DCU is highly recommended. The second DCU comes with a printer which enables the user to print trends, and allows the facility to control the system from the comfort of the control room.
Warranty on WPU and DCU (Freight & Damage excluded): 1-year; 90 days on accessories, wireless modules, battery charge, etc.